Dare to Be Different

Adding value to your website, service, or product is one of the most over looked and under rated strategies for ensuring the success business.

The internet and all the new technology tools available makes it possible for anyone to offer a little something extra that nobody else does, and usually at little to no additional cost.

Why: First, let’s look at why this is a good business practice.

It’s a good thing to do because you will make more money!

What: Now let’s look at what value adding is!

Value adding is giving surprise high quality and useful gifts.

It’s giving something that your competitors aren’t offering.

It’s taking care of your clients and always providing something that your clients aren’t expecting but need and appreciate.

How: Now let’s look at the different ways we can do this.

If you receive a free gift from someone when you don’t expect it, do you remember that person? Answer: yes usually. How can we do this? Look at the example below for an idea!

If you subscribe to a newsletter what do you expect? You expect to get what you subscribed for, right?

Now imagine that you subscribed to a newsletter that distributes information about cooking tips, and when you open the conformation email you find you’ve also received a free ebook containing 50 quick and easy recipes and Grandmas sacred shopping list of items to always have on hand. (a book that normally sells for $29) Wouldn’t that make you more likely to open and read the next issue and the next etc?

That’s one simple example, but where do you get the ebook from? You make it! If you are distributing a cooking tips newsletter, you might know something about cooking, or know some people that could help you put together the information needed to develop your newsletter. Then, you can wrap that info up in an ebook cover and send it around to a variety of sites that will post it for you for free and you can also sell on your own site, if you have one.

So you can see that by offering this free gift you have achieved several things.

1. You have developed a product (at no cost to you) that you can sell and make a profit on.

2. You have used that product to increase the chances of your new subscriber opening your next email.

3. You have promoted your site/service to other internet marketers that you may wish to do a joint venture with at some time.

Another way to add value is to make your 20 tips into 30 or more etc, get the idea? It’s all just a matter of finding ways that you can give more.

The more you give the more you will receive.

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Posted in Brand Attributes, Brand Strategy, Business, MarketingTagged , , , ,


Donna Merrill - posted on May 16, 2012 5:49 pm

You have said it all when you said “The more you give the more you receive.” That is the golden rule in marketing these days. No one wants spam. No one wants to see “Buy Me”… The market has changed and I know it is for the better. Social Marketing is just that ..Social.
Be different is a great message. We are all unique people. We can bring to the table our passions and gifts. Also, we are transparent. If we try to be something we are not, people will pick that right up.
I enjoyed reading this blog and happy I met you on Social Buzz Club.
Donna Merrill

admin - posted on May 20, 2012 8:53 am

Thanks Donna. I’m happy to have met you on Social Buzz Club as well. I couldn’t agree with your comment more. The way people do business and the way our customers and clients respond is totally different than what it used to be. The only way to be successful and get positive results from our marketing efforts is to create a different sound so the customer/client can distinctly hear us amongst all the noise.


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